Art trouble is right. I have had so much to journal about with my son getting married last week and I haven't done a page. I finally made myself do one last night. This seems to be a recurring thing with me. Everytime something exciting happens that I particularly would like to record in my journal, I don't get the pages done.

How much I enjoy your journals!! Congratulations on your son's marriage --!!!
I too have trouble journaling about the good times ... and being so caught up in the moment and so busy, I just can't get to it. But I think you've done a great job on the page you've done!
When I'm stuck and too busy, I'll download a few photos from the event and glue those in my journal with a few words -- just so I can capture SOMETHING from the event ...
That is so true for me too! I'll have all this good fodder for material... newsy events, ephemera, etc... but I slack off completely with the journaling during the interesting moments of my life. Weird, huh?
I thought it was just me that did this! I squirrel away great fodder to create journal pages for times I especially want to mark - but somehow time runs away with me and I either don't manage to do any journaling at all or I'm left with half-finished pages.
I like Lin's idea of taking a simple approach, rather than missing out completely.
Love the pages you share here, keep them coming.
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