This is one of my favorite pages lately. I prepainted the background a couple of days ago. Yesterday morning I used the little eraser stamp below the page to stamp a couple of sections. They don't show up very well in the photo, but I love the effect. Then last night I was feeling yucky with a cold. I sat on the couch and listened to Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech and journaled. First I drew the lamp that was closest to me for the
Everydaymatters challenge. The pen I chose didn't show up very well and I wound up going back over the main lines with a darker pen. I kind of like the two color effect. This is by no means my favorite lamp. I have been wanting to get some new lamps lately and don't really like any of the ones I have now. When I first heard what the challenge would be I wished that I had my old ugly fish lamp. Now there was a lamp worthy of a drawing. It was the first one we got when we were married in 1972, olive green ceramic in the shape of three fish stacked one on top of the other. It was the ugliest thing I had ever seen, but it was a lamp and it worked. After years of suffering through the ugly lamp, we started making more money and I gradually got other lamps. I actually grew fond of the goofy thing. I have no idea what happened to it, but when I needed a lamp to draw suddenly I wished I could see it again. Anyway, back to the page, after I drew the lamp I grabbed a couple of magazines and snipped a few pictures. By the time I was finished writing, it was bedtime and I was feeling a lot better. I still had the cold, but my mood was great. This is what I love about journaling.