Yeah! My disk drive worked just now so that I could upload my photos. I've tried since Thursday to put my snowy day photo on the computer so that I could print it out in my journal. That's why I have a blank page in this series of pages ~ waiting to be able to add the photo to it. I'm enjoying the challenge of working with the vintage pages. These are the first ones I've come to since starting the journal.

The small drawing of the girl and dog is my Ann Estelle doll by Robert Tonner. I made the outfit she's wearing.
I'm loving this new concept of doing pages a bit at a time over a period of days. There are days when I just don't feel like doing a whole spread or really, really don't have the time. On those days it's nice just to do a doodle or write a little bit. Often, I do a whole spread just like I always have once I sit down to journal and get in the groove.

I glued in the magazine photo of the Matisse drawing to remind me about sketching loose. He managed to get so much recorded with just a few bold lines. The sketch of the girl is one I sketched from a
drawing I found online.