Saturday, April 30, 2005

I was going to post some journal pages today, but I left the camera cord at school. Phooey. I've had a yucky cold all week, but I have five pages done since I posted last. I guess slapping paint and gluing stuff on journal pages makes me feel better. I've also been having fun with a white gluebook. I'm just looking through magazines for white pictures and glueing them into an old 1937 copy of White Banners. I really like the thickness of the old paper in this book. I have about 10 pages of that done and will probably post them next week too. I just wanted to let anyone who's checking for new stuff know that I'm here and journaling. I'm just having some tecnical difficulties.


Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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Anonymous said...

Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I am having so much fun looking at your work -- thank you for posting so much.

About the white book. Are you glueing pictures onto every page? That could take years. Or are you gluing some pages together? Sounds like a huge undertaking

Katharine -- from Composition Art Journals

Dawn said...

Thanks Katharine. I'm glueing two pages together on most of the White Book spreads. Also I tore out some pages. There are about 55 spreads done now and I'd say 10 or 12 more to go. I've been working on it for a while now. Too lazy to go look and see for sure when I started, at least a year. I just tend to work on it whenever I find something I think will work.