I put off making my Christmas cards about as long as I could because I didn't know how I wanted to do them. I did know I didn't want something that took as long as they did last year. I browsed online and found the three pine trees on a card. After cutting the stamp from fun foam, I played around with layering different papers that I had on hand. I had bought a package of green card stock from Big Lots to use in my Christmas scrapbook which doesn't seem about to materialize any time soon.
The cards are done now and mailed out. I always address them using
Winvelope, but I lost both that program and my old Windows 3.1 cardfile program after my hard drive crashed last spring. They were both on the backup CD that doesn't work (bah!) I spent about an hour finding and installing Winvelope and finding a replacement for the cardfile that would read my address book created on the old one. After I finally found a good program, I had to download and install
WinZip to unzip it. Still it was better than doing them all by hand.