I hate that my photos are turning out so dark lately. It's either that or burning the pages with flash. I have daylight savings time and the cold wind to thank for that. I guess I'll have to try and rig up some lights.
At least I've been keeping up with my page-a-day challenge. I like the way yesterday's spread turned out. I sponged through some drywall tape around the edges. At first it splotched because the sponge was too full of paint and I was dabbing it on. When I started rubbing it on, it turned out great. I'll be trying this again.
The photo copy of the picture of my mom and my two boys turned out too dark to use in the photo display for her funeral, but it's perfect for this page. I really want to start using more of my photos.
I really had to force myself to go upstairs and prep a page on Sunday. I've been wanting to use these adorable drawings of my granddaughter's since she drew them last week. I kind of wish I'd saved them for when I was more motivated so the page would have turned out better. Aren't they adorable for a three-year-old? She traced the banana.
I ordered some rubber stamps on Saturday. Queen of Tarts has some on sale at Queen of Tarts Stamps: Collage Mania Sale . The one I'm looking forward to the most is her Tiles UM Stamp Stamp Sheet Just now when I went to find the URL I saw she has some new ones up. I may have to make a second order.
While I was in the mood, I ordered a grabbag from Stubby Stampers . They sent an email back saying that they were going to be reduced in price next week and gave me the sale price. How cool is that? I love doing business with people like that.