This is a bit minimalist for me, but it kept me on track for my page-a-day challenge in November, so that's all that counts. I spent enough time on Thursday's page to more than make up for it.

I drew the hands on this one on the first and as soon as I did I knew just how I wanted it to look. Most of the orange magazine bits came from one magazine. I tried a little depth on the left hand and love the way it looks. I'll be trying that again. This took over an hour to glue together after spending about 45 minutes looking for the pieces. I did it while listening to the radio. I have wanted to try something like this since I glued a small bit of orange flowers on the orange background of my Oct 28 page.

I was low on ideas and tired when I started this page, but determined to at least start my challenge out right. I picked up the scrap of magazine and painted the background to match. By the time I had that done the inspiration was flowing. It constantly amazes me how things start to flow if I just sit down and start working.
I finished 2 pages after reading the first segment of this challenge. Although I'm not happy with the result, I'm still motivated to keep going!
Yeah! I really didn't want to go up last night at 11:30 and paint a spread, but I did and wound up with a decent page. I've told myself that the challenge is for a page a day, but I almost always wind up doing two. The more pages that you do, the better the chance that you wind up with some you like. And either way we are recording.
Hi Dawn,
I always love your pages.
I'm really glad you're doing a page-a-day challenge, that will mean there are lots of lovely images of your work on your blog to wow and inspire me.
Thank you !
I love your lavender page. Now that I've found you I will be back to visit often. Love your blog.
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